Nina Kim

I'm a Software Engineer in Seattle WA.

About Me

About Me

I am a full-stack software engineer with a background in chemistry, research, and product development for small businesses.

After a long, rewarding career as a chemist, my interest began to shift towards software and technology as I got first-hand experience in implementing a web-based tech support system for customers using our products. Over just a few years of implementation, I collected and monitored web traffic and statistics through the software's Google analytics. This was extremely exciting to me because I can physically see what kind of information our customers needed! Through this experience I began to understand how software not only helps users get fast, reliable support but also to provide balance for small businesses that have limited resources.

With a good understanding of product life-cycle, research, and user experience, I utilize these same skills to build software that lasts.

  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Python
  • React
  • Github
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Mongoose.js
  • Django
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
My Resume

My Resume


Nina Kim

Detailed engineer with extensive experience in start-up business environments and a passion for engaging audiences through intelligent software design.


Software Engineering Immersive

Feb 2021 - May 2021

General Assembly, Seattle, WA

450+ hour training program with focus on applying essential object oriented programming concepts, leveraging JavaScript libraires such as React, and practicing version control in collaboration with peers.

Bachelor of Arts & Chemistry

2001 - 2006

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Professional Experience

Junior Developer

Feb 2022 - Present

AIM Consulting Group, Seattle, WA

  • Configuration and scripting of different record types in Accela Automation.
  • Develop custom scripts in JavaScript to do validations, automate workflow processes, and auto-populate data according to business rules.
  • Modify and make enhancements to internal web apps using JavaScript, JQuery, SASS, and Grunt.
  • Work extensively on the JIRA tool for managing tasks and bug reporting.

Teaching Assistant

Sept 2021 - Dec 2021

General Assembly, Seattle, WA

  • Mentored a cohort of 38 students in modern web development technologies and techniques, including HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, and consuming/producing APIs.
  • Quickly unblocked students' productivity by explaining difficult concepts and helping debug databases, applications, and tools on the spot.

Research and Development Chemist

Oct 2015 - Dec 2020

System Three Resins, Lacey, WA

  • Launched Zendesk software on the company website which helped to manage customer support demands and increased lab productivity by 20-25%.
  • Enhanced 20+ existing polymer coatings/adhesives and developed three new products from start to finish.
  • Assisted customer service department in answering highly technical questions, helping customers navigate and solve problems.

Web Development Projects

Jibbap Journey

1 week in April 2021

Software Engineer, Seattle, WA

  • Interactive Instagram-like web app with image upload, recipe creation, and rating capabilities.
  • Built RESTful API server to render multiple modular, highly optimized, reusable React components for a SPA.
  • Implemented JWT-based authentication to allow for SSO and high scalability.
  • Used multer node.js middleware to handle multipart/form-data image uploads and hosted on Amazon S3.


1 week in April 2021

Software Engineer, Seattle, WA

  • Python based Django web app for pet sitting with a unique option to sign up as a pet sitter or owner.
  • Took the lead as Scrum Master following Agile methodologies in a collaborative team environment.
  • Implemented all CRUD operations using both Django class-based and function-based views.
  • Lead UX design efforts with highly performant Materialize CDN to style user interface.

Bean Around

1 week in March 2021

Software Engineer, Seattle, WA

  • MEN stack coffee bean tracker for coffee lovers who can log, rate, and view all coffee beans.
  • Used Google OAuth access tokens with PassportJS middleware to quickly authenticate user requests.
  • Integrated full-CRUD data operations to develop the apps features.
  • Extensive use of CSS including CSS Flexbox and Grid to style URI endpoints.

Cookie's Checkers

1 week in February 2021

Software Engineer, Seattle, WA

  • Built a browser web game following MVC architecture and deployed it on GitHub.
  • Utilized git version control system to add and commit iterations throughout the project.
  • Used DOM manipulation and event handling to control the state of the app.
  • Designed the layout and created the content story for the game.

Download Resume

Nina Kim's Resume

My Portfolio

My Portfolio

  • All
  • App
  • Web


Personal tool to study on the go!

Jibbap Journey

Social media app to share recipes


Pet sitting web app

Bean Around

Coffee bean tracker

Cookie's Checkers

Web browser checker's game!

Contact Me

Contact Me

Happy to connect and talk code!

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+1 206 852 6201

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